Welcome to Women in Truth Ministries! |
WIT, Inc. is non-profit, independent ministry developed for women in need: first, to encourage and provide free helps to church women to begin their own ministries and secondly, to provide immediate spiritual help to women in great need. Women in Truth is not associated with any particular church or parent organization. |
Overview of Women In Truth Ministries |
Women In Truth (WIT) is a non-profit women's ministry that was originally founded and developed at the First Baptist Church of Belleview, Florida, but is now a separate, not-for-profit ministry. Our funds are designated donations from Christian friends in our church family and community. The Women In Truth (WIT) purpose is reaching out beyond the church doors, with the loving arms of Jesus, to all women in the community who have a desire to make Jesus their personal Savior and the Lord and Master of their lives.
The WIT goal is to provide spiritually life-changing opportunities in assisting:
1) women to understand God's plan and purpose in their life through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Pastors With Christ's Vision |
Without the vision and encouragement of Pastor's Damon and Ronnie Walker of the First Baptist Church of Belleview, Florida, Women in Truth Ministry would not have started as quickly nor as successfully. With joy, they approved most everything we did with a loving smile and much encouragement to persevere and press on! Their wives, Betty and Alice Walker, were equally as supportive and a delight to every WIT lady. We thank God for pastors who not only talk the talk but walk the walk; "Opening the doors of the church and their hearts, reaching out with Christ's love to the community, welcoming everyone!"
Our first goal is to assist women who are in spiritual need: first for salvation through Jesus Christ and secondly, for spiritual growth through the truth of God's Word, the Bible.
Secondly, it is our goal to help any church start their own women's ministry for women in need. You are free to use our years of experience with "tried and true" methods and forms, through the Women in Truth website. We are here to serve you so that by working together, God will be glorified, through the restored lives of precious women. |

It all started when the Lord called on a farm girl from Minnesota to share the love of Jesus Christ and help those who truly need help - those who society and sometimes even their own families have totally abandoned. WIT founder, Ann Kuefner, just wanted women to know they are loved by the One whose love could provide them eternal life and a peace and confidence that is only achieved through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
WIT started with God and one woman. It can start with you, too!
Click to find out how to start a WIT program in your area. |