Finding a Church Home |
If you are seeking a church with a women's ministry like Women in Truth, please contact us. (Also, see our Spiritual Guidance Links for more suggestions.) Since this women's ministry is often over-looked by the church, you may discover you will need to encourage your church to develop one, like we did! This web-site offers you free tools to get started. If you do not have a church home, please read the following article. WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN SEARCHING FOR A CHURCH HOME These days people often look for a church in much the same way they choose a mall or restaurant. Many people look for adequate parking, great facilities, their favorite songs and exciting youth programs, but this, of course, is basing one's choice on the wrong things. A word of caution in choosing a church, don't expect to find a perfect one, for if there were such a church, the moment you or I joined it, it would no longer be perfect! Every church, being full of sinful (though hopefully saved) people, is going to have its short comings. So our need is to set our sights of the primary issues.
Closely related here is the type of preaching that is done. Is it for the most part taken from the Bible scriptures, expository (going verse-by-verse through the Bible) or is the congregation fed on sermonettes and popular topics that seek to make people feel good or address the so-called self-help needs. Since God's Word is relevant and deals with life as we find it in any age, expository preaching will take care of our needs as it enhances our walk with the Lord.
WARNING: Be on guard for those churches where the focus is on charismatic leaders who tend to dominate and become dictatorial to the leadership and congregation. Many cults operate like this. Many Christians believe that the most biblical form of church government is one that has a plurality of leadership in men called "deacons" or "elders" who function as servant leaders, not rulers. Be wary of churches that promote the miraculous like healings, miracles, and speaking in tongues. These things do not promote spiritual growth and maturity, but rather appeal to the flesh. Remember, in the Book of Acts, the Jerusalem church was in "one accord!" They loved doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, & prayers. It was an exciting, vibrant, & spiritual church that turned the world "upside down", for Jesus Christ! Should you still need help in finding a church home, please let us know your name, city, state and zip code in the contact section. We will do our best to research and help you. |