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Jul 13, 2013
2013 ET Conference to be held in Mumbwa “I send you greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Be informed that the 2013 ET Conference will be held from August 5 to 9, 2013 at Mumbwa Central Baptist Church in the Mumbwa District” reports Zambia ET Director, Maxen Phiri. […]
Feb 27, 2012
2011 Conference at LivingstonePastor Maxen Phiri, Zambia ET Director, has recently announced plans for the 2012 Evangelism Training Conference. This year the conference will be held in Solwezi, the capital city of the Solwezi District of Zambia, located in Northwestern Province. The conference will be held at the Central Baptist Church with Pastor Nelson Lundumuna hosting the 5-day conference from August 20 – 24 (Monday – Friday).Solwezi is the fastest growing town in North Western Province due to the giant Kansanshi Mine that is situated in that area. The mine is the largest copper mine in the world, managed by[…]
Aug 8, 2011
Dear Friends and Family,
Warm greetings to you in the Name of Christ! As our special Christian family, we invite you to be a part of God's work in Zambia through prayer.
Since early spring, we have been in preparation for the exciting 2011 Zambia ET (Evangelism Training) Conference! Boxes of training materials have been sent by Fed Ex, arriving safe and sound. For the first time, we were blessed to print the ET Training Books in Lusaka, Zambia, a huge savings in shipping costs. Also new this year, the Darien, Connecticut High School Band donated dozens of warm sweaters[…]
Sep 19, 2010
Visit our web site often as we present a praise report with pictures on our 5-Day August ET Conference in the Katete District, on the border between Zambia and Mozambique.
Jul 8, 2010
From August 23 - 27th,2010, joyful songs of praise to God and much loving Christian fellowship will occur in the remote area of the Katete District on the border between Zambia and Mozambique! Over 100 pastors and church leaders will be coming together to attend an ET Conference to learn how to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ more accurately and boldly than they have ever known before. Most will come by foot, some by bike, animal drawn carts and others will catch a ride in the back of a truck. For 5 days and nights, they will live together,[…]
ET Blog