I will start by saying, God has really taken me from the gutter to a life of freedom. For many years, life had no meaning for me.My life was full of the turmoil and darkness. I knew of God, but I did not have a relationship with Him.
I grew up in a very unstable environment and encountered unspeakable abuse which lead to reaching out for Love in the wrong places. Because of the abuse, I carried a lot of pain, hatred, and shame for over forty years. As a result, for over twenty years I used drugs. I used drugs to get rid of the pain; to self medicate. Later I realized that I had added to the pain, by becoming a drug addict. I would try to stay clean by my own will but that always failed.
Sherry is a young mother who was a victim of drugs for years, spending many years behind bars! Today, you would never know it! She is a graduate of WIT, is in management training for a major business, has taken college classes, has her own home, has full custody of her teenage son, and together they are heading off on a church mission trip in June! This past month, we were rejoiced to make Sherry a member of the WIT Core Leadership Group.
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