Participate in International Missions
WIT Zambia Mission Trip - July 25 - August 4, 2013 |
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Invited to be the guest speaker at a Lusaka, Zambia Baptist Women's Conference in 2004, Ann Kuefner spoke to an enthusiastic and responsive audience when she shared the objectives and goals of the Women In Truth Ministry back home in America. It wasn't long before letters began to arrive about the "start of the WIT Ministry in Lusaka"....the most populated city in Zambia and one of the most poverty stricken areas of the world.
Zambia Mission Objectives |
Sharing the Good News of the Gospel.
- Sponsoring a WIT Shop in the market.
- Building a WIT 1 + 3 Block Home next to pastor's parsonage: to train women in Tailoring, Tie and Dye, Cookery and Knitting. It will used as a school to teach women who are illiterate.
- Sponsoring "farm crops" to help aged & orphans from sales of produce.
- Visiting sick families.