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Home | Jail Ministry | Jail Ministry Volunteer Training
Jail Ministry Volunteer Training

Jail ministry is a mission field opportunity, second to none, in our community.  The women have been removed from society and are awaiting a court hearing to be sentenced.  At this point of their incarceration, most are literally "on their face in tears" .... devastated, scared, ashamed, and remorseful.  This is the perfect opportunity to offer hope, love and restoration through Jesus Christ! 

However, let me make this very clear:  this great privilege requires great responsibility!    Following proper jail procedures and taking them seriously is the number one requirement for jail volunteers.   Otherwise, our Christian witness and ministry will be placed in jeopardy and you may lose the opportunity!

From my years of experience as a religious volunteer, I have listed the following suggestions.

  1. The WIT Jail Team is made up of 2 - 5 core group leaders who are called by God to go into the jail facility and minister to the incarcerated.  Take "FAT" women:  those who are faithful, available and teachable.  Do not consider curiosity seekers or one-time visitors!

  2. Prior to becoming a part of the team, one must first be approved by the jail security system with an FBI background check.  They submit their application to the jail chaplain  including  their name, current address, the information on their driver's license, social security number and telephone number.

  3.  Once the person is approved,  the jail may require religious volunteer training or may give the new volunteer a manual of jail procedures. 

  4. Prior to joining the WIT jail team, all volunteers are required to attend a WIT Jail Training Session . It is most important we do everything in order, following the rules set up in the jail,  so that ultimately God will be glorified.  We do compromise this great mission privilege by allowing volunteers to deviate from these procedures in any way.  If so, they must be dismissed from the WIT  team immediately
Download the volunteer form.